Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pictures of art and apt. decorations

Our apartment is finally starting to feel like a home. We spent all day yesterday shopping for supplies, decorations, and unpacking the MANY suitcases we had. Everything is finally in its place and the suitcases are out of sight! We put up 3 pieces of artwork that we bought as well as set around pictures and decorations. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Our first load of laundry. Thankfully there is a washer, but here is our dryer!

We love the ones with women carrying stuff on their heads.

All the art is so colorful!

The kitchen. 

I put up the painting grandma painted me! 

Our little Safari table.


  1. Awesome updates!!! Love the paintings!

  2. Loved seeing pictures of your apartment! I remember the days of no dryers in Costa Rica. I actually love hanging up clothes!
